How a life coach helps you

How a life coach helps you

If you’re looking to make a change in your life and improve your happiness, a life coach can be the perfect investment. A life coach will help you clarify your vision, identify the steps to get there, and keep you accountable for reaching those goals. They can...
40 reasons you need a Life Coach

40 reasons you need a Life Coach

A Life Coach is about your moving forward, from this moment in time.  We don’t hang out in your past, because really the past is the past. If you have matters needing to be dealt with from your past, then a counsellor is your best resource. If you’re...
The importance of digital detoxing

The importance of digital detoxing

In today’s world, we are busier than ever before. Our minds are overflowing with the multitude of tasks we need to get done, we are juggling our lives between work/business and family/friends. We don’t give ourselves time or space to be present, to switch off...
Dealing with the loss

Dealing with the loss

I am very fortunate that I am very close to my siblings. I have an older sister and two older brothers. Sadly in July 2022, we lost my eldest brother John, after his long battle with cancer. He was a fighter in the true spirit of the word, even on his last day he was...
The benefits of working with a life coach

The benefits of working with a life coach

I’ve been working with a life coach for about nine months now, and I’ve seen benefits that I didn’t anticipate. It’s not always easy to talk about your problems, but it’s comforting to know that your coach isn’t judging you or...
Creating your purposeful vision board

Creating your purposeful vision board

Don’t waste another year creating the same old type of vision board. Is your vision board images of what you want? Have you forgotten something far more important?  Yes I can hear your brain ticking away wonder what. When I ask you this key questions, it will and...